November 8, 2007




报告报告报告。从欠打的Fine Arts class走出来以后,接下来的时间都在我最爱的第二个家-MC图书馆二楼的打阅读报告中度过。The Human Quest 1:Search for Roots reading report with at least 2 sources of 400 pages can be so getting on my nerves that not for once I feel so numb and stupid from staring too long at a blank monitor stuck in a writer's block. The problem of reading reports is that you can't crap too much or you'll find yourself with a score so low that you might have to go dig in the cellar for it. Pastor Seth is a very nice lecturer, but he can be very particular about assignments. Rin submitted her bibliographic project one day late and guess what, she had to add 5 more sources to the actual piece of work we had to do. Once bitten, twice shy. Now when I was rushing my report she was laughing contently over a bag of Lays and waving her completed reading reports in my face.

结果打到最后,第一份报告总算完成了,第二份却还暂时处于难产状态。Ebsco几乎被我翻烂了,Origins: Linking Science and Scripture的book review没有任何痕迹……最后大懒虫我只好以最原始最老实并脚踏实地的方式写阅读报告:打开第一页,一字一句地读了起来……

熬夜的关系让头非常的痛。活该。想到难产的报告就头更痛。几经辛苦,reading report总算出炉,热腾腾地被Billy和他自己也是烫手的一份在5点钟前准时送到office门口。为了庆祝写完报告,自己到cafe去请自己喝了一杯orange smoothie。喝完后,就要继续忙了。Those who know me will understand my Biology level and also my need of preparing a few days earlier for the Principles of Biology section test. Luck is what really helps me in the last section test I guess; since that I' ve got a perfect score last test and lightning never strikes the same place twice I'm pretty sure that my luck's all used up then. The night was spent in my favourite second floor of the library in a head-cracking ordeal of trying to study in the so-very-cold environment.


必须提一提的是,泰国现在的天气已渐渐转冷,几乎每天都是在快要被冻死却还死不了的寒冷中度过。所以,在避免被冻死的情况下,本小姐牺牲了一些读生物笔记的时间,和Rin, Sophia, Greg 还有泰国一位皮肤白的女生Chompu再加上伊拉克的David一起出去吃烤肉。这次,是我第一次吃烤肉不用只吃菜的时候,而且肉还不用自己烤,大我四岁的Sophia一直都很贴心地帮我烤呢~实在是太谢谢你了!吃完了热热的烤肉,Chompu还把我们带到附近的园游会晃晃,但天性勤劳的本小姐却提早回宿舍,一是要继续读生物;二是今晚正好是11月6号,在远方的吉隆坡会有一个自信心满流却还是有点傻里傻气的他会期待我上线,所以乖乖回去报到了……

p/s 附上我在前一段时间骑过的机车的危险度,由最安全到最危险的排行榜
1. Chompu:超顺的机车,太爱骑了。Chompu万岁~
2. David:如果Rin在车上,两人的斗嘴就会使情况稍微危险了点。
3. Greg:标-准-的-危-险-人-物。虽然会关心乘客的安危,但技术有待改善……

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