August 3, 2007


Days ago Dolce had a crush on her piano examiner. Now I've fallen for the kind kind doctor I saw last night! XD

No, don't worry, I have not gone to him for a tightening of screws in my head. I might seem to have the brain the size of a pea sometimes but I assure you, the size of my brain is much much bigger than a pea. Lol. I was there to fill up my medical certification form for my college entrance. ( In passing, I was supposed to fill up that form last month. Shh... But it's not wholly my fault, I just couldn't find it in the site then, even after clicking through it for a thousand times.!)

The doctor - Dr I, is so very kind and patient! He reminds me of my Uncle Andrew, calm and kind and patient (oops I'm using the same words again) and very very lovable! Hahaz. Not handsome like Dolce's examiner *wink* but he reminds me of a kind father.

In spite of our 2 visits to the clinic in the same day- yes,two- 1 for the enquiry ( he charged Nothing! So unlike the other Dr. K I'm gonna talk about later) , 1 for the filling of the form and reviewing the chest X Ray films I got at TDMC earlier in the morning, he was as patient as ever. He asked a lot about Mission College ( the college I'm going in future), praised my 'talent' in languages ( I'm trilingual, he said) and even gave me a book he wrote himself for free!

Oh he's so good! I'm gonna visit him in future as much as I can XD By the way I hope he heard my meek 'Thanks Doctor' when he gave me the book. I wished I'd spoke up then T___T He'll think I'm so ungrateful and rude! T___T Sorry Doc!

Sorry Doctor, I make you look bad T__T I'm so lame!

* Coming up, theBADdoctor.

And my credits go to Dr John Carter of ER for letting me use his picture for this XD

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