August 17, 2007

M1X3D Emot10n$

Name : xxxx Han Ning
Status : Leaving Malaysia for Thailand tomorrow
Physical state : Seems normal- no coughing blood, no heart attack, no swollen eyes even
Emotional state : Super duper mixed- no signs of insanity or hysteria

Yes, I'm currently undergoing a complicated state of emotions, which is similar to the feelings one will have when he sees this :

Allow me to introduce Clocky, the 21st century alarm clock of controversy.

Now...ISN'T IT CUTE? Awwwwwwww

But, never never judge a book by its cover. This super duper kawaii alarm clock is the creation of the devil, the tormentor of over sleepers, the destroyer of peace on a quiet Sunday morning-just the time to oversleep without worries.

Clocky, the adorable little pet on wheels, will only allow you to have a brief snooze. Yes, only A snooze. When the snooze is over, it's hell for you. Clocky will move away from your nightstand and start scrambling around on its little wheels, squealing at the top of its voice. The only thing you can do to stop it-GET up, lazybones. Bye bye, Sunday morning.

Oh, Clocky, how can you be so unmerciful? So cold-blooded? So annoying? You are so Cute!

The combination of heaven and hell. The object of 'Awww' and 'Eughhhh' at the same time XD

Having mixed feelings about this sweet little thing? Picture it as in a deeper level and there you have it- how I feel now.

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