August 26, 2007



Sorry for not posting this earlier, but guys, either my laptop or the connection here is really loco. I have a hard time controlling myself not to scold the F word. Today is just the same. I have to bring my laptop to the lab to be checked. Luckily the guy there has a really niceeeee voice so it's not that bad after all.....haha. Hope I met him after this XD

Ok ok back to the point. So before I left, the girls were so excited of my departure that they decided to throw a party for me. You see, they're so very glad that they could wash their hands of me at last. SOBZ, I'm so sad XD

I arrived at Chui Chui Shui at 6.30pm, right on time. Xian and Chih were already there, but I couldn't see them since they're sitting in the corner. Then 38 Chih came over with her trademark smile =)

We sat down and I start looking for the cute waiters Lian told me. Spotted one XD Too bad I didn't manage to get his picture before I came =( Lian came later, and we started getting our food. These were the dishes we, being typical 'moonlight people' (yue guang zhu, who has spent almost all of their money at the beginning of the month XD ) and commoners ate. By the way I stole the pictures from Lian because I haven't installed my photo editing software yet. Sorry Lian~ I'm really very sorry~~

Lian aka Ren's Butter Fish Rice (* names of dishes have being altered to protect its privacy XD)
Ren's Peppermint Chocolate. I missed it TT

My Spaghetti! The name was too short for a genius like me to remember XD

My chocolate ice cream! Chocolatechocolatechocolatechocolate rocks!

Xian's jasmine tea and someone's face XD

Wen arrived shortly after we started eating. Then the 4 sweeties started to pretend that they are Not talking about the gift they got for me, while I pretend Not to know they're talking XD Aw, we're such Good actors. KAKAKAKA We're future Oscar Winners!

Chih was unusually not blur that day, halfway in the middle of a conversation she slipped my gifts on the table. I was so surprised! Haha it's one of the few times we don't know what she's going to do.

We were talking about recent sex assaults in various colleges. So many A**holes-oops there goes my potty fingers XD I should say Flowers ( a substitution for bad words)- are using innocent people to relieve themselves now. We start talking about weapons to use in defending ourselves when VOILA! I saw my gifts on the table. Everyone explode at my == face XD

Well, here they are:

Green: Pepper spray for Flowering flowers. Red: Flashlight and alarm for alarming others to come and save me from extremely flowering flowers. *you're free to think what those 'flowers' actually mean =)
So sweet! I never guessed that I'll get these. And Chih was worried about it not working that she proposed to try it out in the parking lot. So 4 of us went (Lian said she's still very normal for these things XD) and hid between a BMW and Mercedes. Chih, the honourable Chairman pulled the plug.


That's what it sounds like. Hell, the noise can kill me and everything that heard it. It's so very LOUD and SHARP! Just the thing to give Flowers =) Chih said I can try slamming it in that fellow's ear and see what happened haha XD

Then when we're talking, Wen's 90% perfect boyfriend showed up just to see her! Awwwww that was sooo sweet! I wished I had a boyfriends like him! ( here, here, look here Vincent)

We spent the rest of the night hanging out at Xian's house, taking loco pictures and crapping XD It's really one of the best days ever. I owe you darlings a big THANK YOU.

HUGS AND KISSES!!! Do take care, sweethearts!!
The 5 of us =) * my credits go to the website which provided this. sorry! I forgot the site XD

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