By the way,
Happy Birthday Cucumber!
I'm starting to like writing out this list of thanks. Aunt promised that my life will be different after I do this for 2 weeks!
I did Google what she said though, and I found an article in Reader's Digest to support her claim.
This article is entitled 'The New Science of Being Thankful' and here's something interesting on a study carried out by Robert Emmons, PhD, a psychology professor at the University of California and Michael McCullough, another psyc prof of the University of Miami. The two professors took three groups of volunteers and assign all three of them to focus on different areas: things that irritate them, things that leave them feel thankful and also things which are just everyday life stuff. Here's what they found:
Here's another part of the article which lists out the benefits of being grateful:The results: The people who focused on gratitude were just flat-out happier. They saw their lives in favorable terms. They reported fewer negative physical symptoms such as headaches or colds, and they were active in ways that were good for them. They spent almost an hour and a half more per week exercising than those who focused on hassles. Plain and simple, those who were grateful had a higher quality of life.
Felt better about their lives.
Were more optimistic.
Were more energetic.
Were more enthusiastic.
Were more determined.
Were more interested.
Were more joyful.
Exercised more.
Had fewer illnesses.
Got more sleep.
Were more likely to have helped someone else.