August 9, 2008


Went steamboat with my family today, will post pics later.

Now before I forget, 5 things to be thankful for last night:
  1. The opening ceremony of Beijing Olympics was awesome. Glad that I didn't miss it.
  2. It didn't hurt that much when I went to Grandma's house now..though the pain remains.
  3. Mom's Asam Lakse is....indescribable. I wish I could cook like that =(
  4. Baby Hang didn't come over last night, so it's a perfect day of rest for us =)
  5. Found lotsa nice custom hairstyles for my Sims 2. Told you I'm totally addicted to it XD
5 things to be thankful for today:
  1. I love having steamboat with my family.
  2. And of course I'm real thankful for my family!
  3. My new sport shoes will be perfect for the next cave trip.
  4. James and Wira really did help me out; I'll have nothing else to worry about my godbro's
    stay in MC now.
  5. MC is no longer Mission College! It's now Asian Pacific International University!
    I'm sure we students will get more courses to choose from now; I'm hoping to have
    a go at some courses dealing with abnormal psychology XD
Steamboat pics coming. Am Happy to see my blog counter's going up haha.

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