May 6, 2007


This is not good. I'm currently flooded by negative emotions!! So Flower!!

1. I'm STILL without much information for my TESL interview. and it's only 2 days away now!! Soo nervous!! I'm afraid that I might freak out in front of my interviewers? What if I faint?? I don't think anyone will want to revive me with CPR then.What if I stutter? T-th-then n-no-o-onee-e c-cc-an-un-un-de-r-r-st-st-an-d-d me! Eugh. The list of worries is long. Extremely Flower.

2. I miss my dear. Aikz. Something's gnawing me inside. Okay no more elaboration =x

3. Sobz. I wished I had a pet. A little dog or cat that will snuggle up with me now. Something warm and furry-so I can rub my face on its fur and imagine that I'm curling up to sleep on it. So sad, my only pet-Purple the Fish was dead.Blue the Fish died the next morning. I think the water's to blame. Aikz. What kind of water are we Drinking now??

Flower.I should not have such negative emotions. Dear said I'm too emo at times. Flower flower flower...

p/s But I don't really like fish as pets. I mean, what's much use of a pet which you can't hold, you can't touch and you can't hug? What can you do with a fish? Tell it to fetch fishfood? Bring it for a walk in the park in a fishbowl? XD If I ever see those thieves who ran away with my pretty puppy Numba 4 and I'll SKIN them alive.

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