June 30, 2007


After a few very flower and messy days, I believe now things are getting better.

1. Class 2C is still 'a hell of a class', but at least they are starting to understand that they don't know so much about everything like they thought they were and they Sure don't know more than their young and inexperienced teacher, no matter how much of a stranger she is to the school.

2. The 3 of us are talking in a pleasant manner with each other again.The past is really starting to stay where they should and stop following us around.Bygones should never ever stay to haunt and make lives miserable just because the heart has learnt to care far too much.It all shows that one should never underestimate the recovering ability of the heart.

3. Big Little Brother actually asked me whether we're playing badminton this Sunday morning again.He who used to think that mornings are for sleeping in and nights are for clubbing, getting drunk and acting like a fool who hates himself.He'll never know how much I feel like giving him a large bearhug for that =)


Note for L, the girl who loves the rainy days of Seattle:

Someday, in one of the 237 rainy days of Seattle, you'll find a long-awaited umbrella over your head and a shoulder you miss so much for you to lean on.The rain will not sing of loneliness,guilt,sorrow and heartbreaks again.Instead, they'll sing of the beginning of a beautiful thing, which after all, has always been near to you.I'm sure of that.

P/S Yes, I do miss you, you hateful V.

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