June 20, 2007


Sometimes I hate to see psychology tests in newspapers. So Ridiculous! The choices are few, and the results are crazy.

For instant, 2 choices. Only 2 choices!! And Both results are perfectly negative. Like this one I just saw.You choose A, and your companion is someone who has an extreme liking for Sex and will not stop at anything to get you in bed. B, your companion is an experienced lover who can add you any second into his ex girlfriend list, which is already in alphabetical order.

Are these 2 kinds of companions the only ones you can find in this world?Might as well stay solo from now on then.

Ok I know it's no big deal, but I just can't help asking, hello, is this so-called test based on truth? Or is it simply there to fill in the blanks of newspapers? We don't actually buy newspapers to read crap, by the way.

Some tests are actually good and accurate and based on logical explanations. But most are plain rubbish.Newspapers are suppose to give information, not feed us media garbage.

Ok I know it's always up to the reader to decide what he wants to believe, but I still think good papers should provide good things or none at all.

Another thing.Sometimes I found that when magazines or papers introduce fashion trends, they have a tendency to say, " Wear this and Men will be crazy over you. " or " Put this on and you'll be the girl of their dreams. " Ergh. Makes it sound like the only reason girls make themselves look good is to attract boys.

Personally, I think it's better to say that girls make themselves look pretty because they want to, not to please someone else. If it's for the latter reason, what will happen if that someone else leaves their world? They waste away to nothing then?

By the way, I do believe I sound more malicious today XD

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